Terminalia chebula fruit extract (Harad)
Terminalia chebula fruit extract is used externally for local application to chronic ulcers & wounds. It is gargled in stomatitis & inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth. It is mild & efficient laxative. It acts as dentifrice. It is useful in chronic diarrhea & dysentery, flatulence, vomiting, hiccups, colic and enlarged spleen & liver, in ophthalmia, paralysis, splenomagaly, piles, melancholia, leprosy, erysipelas, colitis, laryngitis.
Additional information:
The extracts are delivered paraben free, and low bacterial count without the use of any chemical or gamma treatment. Amsar is a responsible manufacturer providing green eco friendly extracts and does not discharge solvents, gases or other hazardous materials into the environment.
Latin Name : Terminalia chebula
Sanskrit Name : Harithaki
Common Name : Harir
Family :Combrataceae
Part Plant Used : Fruit
Solvent Used : Water
Storage Condition : In Double Sealed PP Bags
Appearance : Brown Powder
Organoleptic Test : Astringent Taste
Odor : Characteristic Odor
Herb Ext. Ratio : 4:1
Water soluble extractives: Not less than 75%
Tannins by USSRP X assay taking 0.1 G : about 40%