Hibiscus abelmoschus seed extract (Latakasturi)
Hibiscus abelmoschus Linn. (Syn. Abelmoschus moschatus Medic.) is an erect medicinal herb native to India. In traditional medicine, the seeds are widely used as aphrodisiac and antispasmodic agent. The decoction of seeds is given internally for disorders of the spleen, vomiting and pectoral lesions.
Additional information:
The extracts are delivered paraben free, and low bacterial count without the use of any chemical or gamma treatment. Amsar is a responsible manufacturer providing green eco friendly extracts and does not discharge solvents, gases or other hazardous materials into the environment.
Latin Name : Hibiscus abelmoschus
Sanskrit Name : kasturi bhindhi
Common Name :Latakasturi
Family : Malvaceae
Part Plant Used : Seed
Storage Condition : In Double Sealed PP Bags
Appearance : viscous liquid
Organoleptic Test : Characteristic Taste
Odour : Characteristic Odour
Acid Value: 10.46
Ref. Index: 1.46 to 1.48
Optical rotation of 1% solution in Chloroform; optically inactive