Bergenia ligulata root extract ( Pashaanbheda )
In Ayurveda, Bergenia ligulata is used for the treatment of urinary stone. It removes blood disorders, urine disorders and vaginal infections. the root ofs Pashanbheda are reddish in colour. The paste of the root is applied over localized swelling and wounds. The decocton of the root is given to treat renal calculi, burning micturition and retention of urine in the bladder.
Additional information:
The extracts are delivered paraben free, and low bacterial count without the use of any chemical or gamma treatment. Amsar is a responsible manufacturer providing green eco friendly extracts and does not discharge solvents, gases or other hazardous materials into the environment.
Latin Name : Bergenia ligulata
Sanskrit Name : Ashmabheda
Common Name : Pashaanbheda
Family : Saxifragaceae
Part Plant Used : Root
Solvent Used : Water
Storage Condition : In Double Sealed PP Bags
Appearance : Reddish Brown Powder
Organoleptic Test : Astringent and bitter Taste
Odour : Characteristic Odour
Herb Ext. Ratio : 10:1
Water Soluble Extractives By IP 66 Method Taking 1gm Of Sample : Not Less Than 70%
Tannin: NLT 10%